"Moonlight Sonata 1940 Exhibition"

Wilson Gallery 16 - 28 April 2024:

Exhibition Catalogue

This image is of the cover of the exhibition catalogue dealing with the individual oil paintings exhibited. The catalogue also considers sources of inspiration for the work as well as information on the history of Coventry, the status of the city as a potential target and the details of the Luftwaffe raids in Nov.1940 and the following April

To view and/or download this catalogue 'click' on the link below:

Moonlight Sonata Catalogue

"Moonlight Sonata 1940 Exhibition"

Wilson Gallery 16 - 28 April 2024:

Exhibition Catalogue

This image is of the cover of the exhibition catalogue dealing with the individual oil paintings exhibited. The catalogue also considers sources of inspiration for the work as well as information on the history of Coventry, the status of the city as a potential target and the details of the Luftwaffe raids in Nov.1940 and the following April

To view and/or download this catalogue 'click' on the link below:

Moonlight Sonata Catalogue